When you select
rear of Device setting area) of 'Edit Port File' dialog box, the dialog box is
shown such as <Figure 1>.
'Port Device' menu use for setting Device Type and parameters.
![]() |
<Figure 1> Example of Port Device dialog box |
Setting parameters of Port Device are as follows :
Device Type = selection of device type for communication.
None : direct connection or internal control device at communication driver.
example) ISA, PCI card, OPC, ...
Com Port : RS232C, RS-422, RS-485 communication.
use Tx Flow and Rx Flow, RTS/DTR Delay when half duplex RS-422, RS-485, etc.
Modem : dialup modem communication. ( set Com Port, Baud rate,Parity, Data Bit, Stop Bit )
TCP/IP : TCP/IP network communication.
UDP/IP : UDP/IP network communication.
TeleDevice : type of Modem device.
NetClient : device for 'NetClnt.exe' program. ( get Server data with NetServ.exe program )
SharedMemory:device for 'OpcClientMain.exe' program to communicate with OPC Server.
Com Port = com port number, can select COM1~COM256.
Com Baud = selection of baud rate, 300 ~ 256000 bps (bits per second ).
Parity Bit = selection of parity bit among None, 1Bit Odd, 2Bit Even.
Data Bit = selection of data bit between 8 Bit, 7 Bit.
Stop Bit = selection of stop bit between 1 Bit, 2 Bit.
Tx Flow =transmit flow control( handshaking ) method selection of Tx Flow among TxON, TxRTS, TxDTR for serial communication(RS-232C, RS-422/485, etc).
TxON : always open Tx Gate, full duplex(RS-422/485) serial communication.
TxRTS : RTS On when data sending, RTS Off after data sending. ( normally half duplex serial communication )
TxDTR : DTR On when data sending, DTR Off after data sending. ( normally half duplex serial communication )
Rx Flow = transmit flow control( handshaking ) method selection of Rx Flow between RxON, RxECHO for serial communication(RS-232C, RS-422/485, etc).
RxON : always open Rx Gate, full duplex(RS-422/485) serial communication.
RxECHO : sending code that has been received to Rx.
RTS Toggle = selection auto RTS signal flow control(handshaking).
RTS/DTR End Delay = RTS, DTR On waiting time after sending data when using Tx Flow( TxRTS, TxDTR ).
unit : operation time of computer, differ according CPU speed.
example) when Pentium III 450Mhz P : 10000 = about 10 milli second.
Read : waiting time for reading routine.
Write waiting time for writing routine.
RTS/DTR Start Delay = RTS, DTR On waiting time previous sending data when using Tx Flow( TxRTS, TxDTR ).
unit : operation time of computer, differ according CPU speed.
example) when Pentium III 450Mhz P : 10000 = about 10 milli second.
Read : waiting time for reading routine.
Write waiting time for writing routine.
TCP/IP, UDP/IP = IP Address and Service Port setting of PLC or controller.
IP Address : IP Address of PLC or controller.
Service Port : TCP/IP or UDP/IP Service Port of PLC or controller.
example) 2004 for TCP/IP of GLOFA PLC,
2005 for UDP/IP of GLOFA PLC.
TeleDevice = setting when selecting 'TeleDevice'.
Please select 'Option' botton for TeleDevice setting.
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